The problem is we sucker our self into opening Christmas cards and saying wow.... they have it all together look at those pearly whites matching clothes and there chins tilted just so. Well not really but you know what I mean...
This session was of one of my closest friends. One who was more a client first and became a friend second... and she herself is a wonderful photographer.
She let me capture what life is, 2 year old dirt throwing, heart melting, silly faces, tickle fests and all. And its beautiful. More beautiful, dare I say... I say embrace the crazy and show who your family really is. And all they will see instead of holiday outfits and pearly whites.. is Love.
Cheesy yes, but true.
As I edited these I was overwhelmed by how much love there is between this crew, and I know it stems from a deep anchor. From raising babies to love Jesus, from kind hearts, generosity. All things there parents model beautifully. Thats what I saw when I looked at these. Im proud to call this family friends.
I still have 3 open spots before the holidays, I have extended it this year, because well, I can.